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We Would Love to Get Your Feedback!
We would like to ask you a few questions about your experience at Art-a-Fest. Your responses are confidential, and you will not be identified in the survey results unless you wish to be. Please be open and honest with your feedback as this will help us with our future planning.
1. How did you first hear about Art-a-Fest?
2. How did you participate in Art-a-Fest This year?
3. Have you participated in Art-a-Fest before this year?

4. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements based on your experience.

The event was easy to find
The application process was easy
All communications from the event organizer were timely, contained enough information, and were easy to understand.
There was plenty of event information available to me, and it was easy to understand.
All communications from the event organizer were timely, contained enough information, and were easy to understand.
I knew what was expected of me during Art-a-Fest.
I felt welcome at Art-a-Fest.
I'd like to attend/participate again next year.
I will tell others about Art-a-Fest, or invite friends to join me next year.
5. How would you rate Art-a-Fest overall?

Note: Add your name here IF you want to be identified. Otherwise your feedback will remain anonymous.

Thank you for your time!

Your feedback has been submitted.

Art-a-Fest is organized and led by people dedicated to supporting artists and making the arts accessible to everyone in and around our community. We are always looking for new committee members and volunteers who are dedicated, reliable, and who share our love for the arts and community. If you are interested in being a part of our team in 2025 please contact us and let us know! 

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